Everything we do begins with strategy and is viewed through the eyes of your audience. We firmly believe that connection and high quality, actionable information are the keys to success.
Content Creation
You’re staring at a computer screen… waiting for the words to come.
What should I write about?
What will my audience like?
Nothing. Crickets.
It doesn’t have to be hard.
We can help provide you with the strategy and layout to create content that’s engaging, on brand, and consistent with what your audience is looking for.
If you’d like to write your own articles, we can create a content calendar and map out topics and subject areas. You can sit down to write with a plan of action waiting for you. We can then proofread and edit this material, using tried and true copywriting techniques to make your information easy read and able to be consumed by all those skimmers gliding through your emails and blogs.
Or, if you’d like your articles written for you, we can help as well. Our copywriting services allow for creation of purposeful materials that connect with and informs your audience.
I’d love to see how I can help you to build a relationship with your future clients and grow your business.
Here are the packages available for Strategy and Implementation of Blog Articles, Newsletters and Social Media Postings.
VIP Strategy Map
- 2 hour One-On-One Strategy Map Session
- Branding Overview and Consultation
- Individualized List-Building Techniques
- Target Market Evaluation
- Focused Social Media Platforms
- Newsletter Content Plan
- Lead Magnet Evaluation
- Strategized Newsletter Schedule
Resulting in:
- Branded Newsletter Template
- Fully Branded Social Media Headers
- A Report of the Strategy Map Findings and Plan
- An Amazing Plan of Action to Distribute Content, Build your List and Market Your Voice!
Content & Connection With Blogs, Newsletters & Social Media
Consistent communication with your prospective clients is the path to growth. One of the easiest ways to provide these prospects with knowledge in your field of specialization and connection with you is by updating your blog and/or sending newsletters on a regular basis.
We all get busy, and know that consistency builds trust. But, even more important than that is quality. I’m a firm believer in quality first, and this is where our intensions lie. The purpose of this process is to consider your business’ voice and branding, and then to build relationships with trust, connection, and high quality information.
These packages are not set in stone – they’re able to be customized to fit your particular needs. Please reach out to me at heather@salessong.com to schedule a call to speak about your needs and goals.
~Copywriting services are included in the Gold and Platinum packages~
Bronze Level
- Implementation of Strategy Map Techniques
- 2 Branded Blog Articles/Newsletters per month
- Client provides the article
- Editing and proofreading is included
- Social Media – 3 posts per week with images matching your brand on 2 platforms
- Blog/Newsletter article posted to website
- Newsletters and photos within it are linked to the appropriate pages on your website
Silver Level
- Implementation of Strategy Map Techniques
- Weekly Branded Blog Articles/Newsletters – 4-5 per month
- Client provides the article
- Editing and proofreading is included
- Social Media
- 3 posts per week with images matching your brand on 3 platforms OR 5 posts per week with images on 2 platforms
- Blog/Newsletter article posted to website
- Newsletters and photos within it are linked to the appropriate pages on your website
Gold Level
- Implementation of Strategy Map Techniques
- 2 Branded Blog Articles/Newsletters per month
- Copywriting service to provide content is included
- Social Media – 3 posts per week with images matching your brand on 2 platforms
- Blog/Newsletter article posted to website
- Newsletters and photos within it are linked to the appropriate pages on your website
Platinum Level
- Implementation of Strategy Map Techniques
- Weekly Branded Blog Articles/Newsletters – 4-5 per month
- Copywriting service to provide content is included
- Social Media
- 3 posts per week with images on 3 platforms OR 5 posts per week with images matching your brand on 2 platforms
- Newsletter article posted to website
- Newsletters and photos within it are linked to the appropriate pages on your website
Are you ready to invest in your business?